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Factors That Affect the Cost of Your Heating Bill

When you move into a new house you might be shocked to see your first heating bills. Is it because your thermostat is set too high or because the HVAC system in your new home is old? Understanding the potential factors that can influence your heating costs is important to learn so you know what you can do to lower them.

Some factors relate to physical properties, such as the way your house is built, the weather, and geology. Others are more behavior-based, representing practices and habits that are common but not ideal. Nardco Heating and Air Conditioning lists these factors for you so you can take control of your energy costs.


Physical Considerations

Your home’s age, square footage, construction, orientation, and other factors all have an impact on energy use. Many older homes still have minimal insulation and sealing, instead of the levels in use today. Some are protected from winter winds by a line of trees.

Before purchasing a home, it’s always smart to have a thorough home inspection done. Your home inspector can tell you the age of your HVAC system and the condition of your home’s insulation. If they don’t inspect your home’s air ducts or other components of your HVAC system, it might be worth it to ask an HVAC professional to do their own inspection. 


Type of HVAC System Makes A Difference

If you’re upgrading your home’s heating and cooling equipment, you’re in luck. The quality of today’s home heating and cooling equipment is tremendous. It has the power and technology to make you more comfortable, while at the same time, it’s slashing your electric bills. We’re talking 15, 20, 25%, and even more in some cases. So don’t be afraid to buy, but do take your time to research the choices that are best for you.

For example, if you’re shopping for a new AC or heat pump, there are several new technologies on the market than can solve comfort problems you’ve struggled with for years. Ductless mini-splits can put the ideal climate for every room in there with no need for costly ductwork. Other new technologies include water-cooled systems and VRF, which uses a variable flow of refrigerant. Boilers can not only heat your home with radiators but also through radiant flooring. Some boilers even double as water heaters. 

Even if you choose to swap your furnace with a new furnace, you can still expect your home’s see energy efficiency improvements. Newer models often run much more efficiently than models 15-20 years ago.


Type of Fuel

When it comes to buying a new furnace, you have a few options. Most furnaces use natural gas to provide quick heat to homes. However, there are also oil and electric furnaces that can also heat your home. However, as natural gas prices keep getting more and more expensive, many homeowners are switching to electric furnaces.

Heat pumps, air conditioners, and ductless mini-splits do not use natural gas and run only on electricity. By switching from a furnace to a heat pump, you can greatly lower your natural gas consumption, which can lower your carbon footprint. However, adding more electric appliances will cause your electricity prices to go up. Heat pumps require a lot less energy than a furnace does to produce the same amount of heat. 


Efficiency Ratings

When shopping for a new air conditioner, there will be a SEER rating. SEER stands for the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, a standard system to rate the energy efficiency of heating and cooling equipment. The higher the SEER rating, the better the efficiency, so an 18 SEER heat pump will use less electricity than a 16 SEER heat pump. The higher-efficiency unit may cost more, but that cost should be more than recouped through lower energy bills.

New furnaces will have an AFUE rating or Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. It’s important to pay attention to your AFUE rating to calculate your future home heating costs. Like the SEER rating, efficiency comes at a price, and the higher the AFUE rating, the higher the price of the furnace. 


Should I Replace My Furnace and AC at the Same Time?

Homeowners always look to minimize the cost of HVAC service. For example, when we replace a home’s furnace, we usually recommend replacing the AC, too. It’s not that we’re trying to get a bigger sale from every customer. It’s that we know most customers will save a lot of money and trouble in the long run if they replace both components of their system now. They’ll start fresh with new equipment that should provide at least 15 years of service … maybe 20, with good maintenance. Plus, we’ll be able to recommend equipment that’s designed to work together to maximize efficiency.

When you update your HVAC system, you can also find other energy-efficient improvements to make around your home. A smart thermostat can be programmed to use lower energy costs by lowering the temperature during the day when no one is home, but the temperature will rise just as your family walks through the door. Indoor air quality upgrades not only improve your quality of life, but they can also take some of the workload off your heating and cooling systems, lowering your utility costs. 

For example, a whole-house dehumidifier assists your cooling system so it isn’t stressful to dehumidify your home as much on super hot days. When your home isn’t as humid, you might turn the thermostat down a degree or two, which can help you save more on energy costs. 


Talk to Nardco for More Energy Saving Tips 

If you want a better understanding of why your utility bills are as high as they are, the professionals of Nardco Heating and Air Conditioning can help. We can look over your house and your current heating and air equipment to see whether it’s costing you in ways you never considered. Schedule an appointment today.



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